The increasing influence of robots and algorithms in our labour markets increases the need for uniquely ‚human‘ skills that computers are poor substitutes for. These include skills such as empathy and adapting to change in complex environments.
Low-skilled workers and apprentices are particularly hard hit by the digital impact. The jobs of low-skilled workers are at risk of being replaced by robots. Low-skilled workers often have to perform monotonous tasks that are cut for cost reasons. It is therefore important that they are characterised by skills that are difficult to replace by computers. This is all the more true as the coronavirus pandemic has led to some job cuts and a strong digitalisation of companies.
But which skills are particularly in demand and guarantee better chances of job security?
Such skills are, for example: problem-solving ability, teamwork, moral behaviour, communication skills, leadership skills, innovation, critical and creative thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, intergenerational understanding of relationships and digital competence.
This is where the European Union-funded Erasmus+ project INTERFACE („Using agile, interactive learning environments to promote work-based learning in cVET“) comes in.
On the one hand, the project is concerned with improving teaching in continuing vocational education and training. On the other hand, it supports low-skilled workers and trainees in order to secure jobs on the labour markets. The main aim of the INTERFACE project is to support low-skilled workers and trainees who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic and digitalisation in order to create better opportunities on the labour market.
Further vocational training is intended to enable vocational trainers to recognise and promote transversal skills. The transversal competences are the 10 most sought-after competences by companies and are created as part of interactive infographics linked to WBL contexts.
The 24-month project (funding period 31.12.2021 to 30.12.2023) is coordinated by the University of Paderborn in Germany and represented by Prof. Dr Marc Beutner.
The other seven European partners are: Spectrum Research Centre – CLG (Ireland); Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus (Austria); Latvijas Universitate (Latvia), Acumen Training Sp. z.o.o. (Poland); CARDET – Centre for advancement of research and development in educational technology LTD (Cyprus), EEO Group SA (Greece) and Mindshift Talent Advisory (Portugal).
What are the main objectives of the project?
- To promote the acquisition of transversal competences using alternative
pedagogical resources in work-based learning environments. - Support VET professionals from the education and labour sector in the development of their own develop their own digital and pedagogical skills in order to create interdisciplinary
create challenging interdisciplinary learning resources. - Develop an accreditation model for the validation and recognition of transversal
competences using micro credentials and digital badges. - Create a system for teaching transversal competences within a community of practice.
community of practice.
Based on the main objectives, the following goals are to be achieved:
Training offer for pedagogical professionals – The training course will support VET teachers in utilising the potential of online learning.
- However, traditional online learning has not always been able to meet learners‘ needs for accessible, flexible learners‘ needs for accessible, flexible and on-demand WBL learning resources and opportunities.
- INTERFACE compendium of interactive infographics to develop transversal key competences – the partners will create 40 interactive infographics for each of the following transversal key competences (digital competence, Entrepreneurship, Critical and Creative Thinking, Leadership, Innovation, problem solving, teamwork, work ethic, communication and intergenerational relations).
- INTERFACE MOOC – MOOCs to present the in-service training course to VET tutors, learners and company representatives to support the transnational exchange of good practice and provide peer support to ensure that a successful training programme can be achieved.
- In addition, a Community of Practice with 96 VET tutors and 250+ VET professionals will be active through the INTERFACE MOOC. Furthermore 400 learners and employees will work with the INTERFACE interactive infographics in WBL environments to build transversal key competences.
What has already happened?
The project officially started on 31 December 2021, shortly after which the project consortium met for a kick-off meeting online via Zoom. This meeting took place on 9 March 2022 and was hosted by the project coordinator from Paderborn University (Germany). The purpose of this meeting was to give the partners the opportunity to introduce themselves to each other, discuss the project objectives and activities and plan the first tasks for all partners. All project objectives were discussed and debated in detail, including administrative and financial issues such as dissemination and utilisation aspects as well as evaluation and reporting procedures.
What are the next steps?
By the second project meeting at the Spectrum Research Centre (Ireland) in June 2022, all project partners will begin a market analysis. The European industry is diverse, with different sectors, sizes, risks and needs. It needs targeted solutions and not a one-size-fits-all approach. The next meeting should therefore be about specifying the objective and identifying a single professional group to be looked at more closely. Suggestions for the design of MOOCs and interactive infographics in the context of WBL will also be discussed.
Visit our website or contact the project partner in your home country directly.